Bhutan is exceptional in being blessed with a King whose abiding concern for the wellbeing of His people, and the success of the nation is evident in all of His Majesty’s work. An integral part of this work has been, throughout His Majesty’s reign, an immense conversation with His people. From the treasured collection of His Majesty’s Addresses that inspire the entire nation, we are honoured to launch in commemoration of the Coronation Day on November 1, this series– a reinterpretation in illustrations of a selection of His Majesty’s luminous words.
Produced by the Royal Office for Media in partnership with the talented folks at Thimphu Comics.
Life As A Book
Excerpt from the Royal Address delivered at Doon School, Dehradun, India in 2010.
“I always imagine my life as a book, not a real book but a book that I am engaged in writing. When I do this, I find that every moment brings the urge and energy to do something special, something worthy to write into the book. When I am confronted by some challenge, I find the opportunity to write a wonderful tale of hardship, suffering, hard work, determination and commitment. When faced by the temptation to take short cuts and cheat, the book serves as my conscience.
Doing this gives me wonderful perspective. I find that success does not go to my head and failure does not crush me. As events unfold, I am able to keep my eyes on the ultimate goal – to live a life without regret – a life that would make wonderful reading. After all, like anyone else, I want the story of my life to be as good as possible.”
gyeltshen666 says
🙂 Beautiful art. His Majesty’s words are life saving in nature. I still remember when His Majesty spoke in my school and said, ‘The test of fire creates fine steel.’ I have never looked at obstacles the same again.